Tuesday, May 30, 2006

first celebrity sighting and a test screening

so i hung out this afternoon in west hollywood with an actor/busboy friend. we were walking down sunset boulevard when we saw a bunch of paparazzi outside the CNN building. naturally curious, we ventured a little look and inquired of the life-suckers as to who they were waiting to show up. they told us elizabeth taylor was supposed to arrive in a few minutes to tape an interview with larry king. some of you may have seen the interview tonight. the limo pulled up and her people helped her into a wheel chair. she waved at the paparazzi as they yelled her name non-stop, trying to get her to look their way so they could snap her picture for whatever. it made me think about the first time i saw her in a movie: national velvet. it was the movie with her and mickey rooney and some horse called national velvet. i don't remember much about the movie except that it's the movie that made me forever hate all horse movies. and that it's eight hours long.

so that was my first celebrity sighting. she looked a little dazed.

they were handing out tickets to a test screening of the yet to be released new hillary swank movie outside of a record store. it showed on the paramount pictures lot and we all piled into a small theater. after the movie, we had to fill out a survey as to how we liked it, our favorite scenes, etc. it was your typical tried and true "inspiring tale of a teacher who enters the inner-city public school and slowly impacts the kids, showing them they they have potential and need only reach inside to find their true worth" kind of movie. nothing we haven't seen three or four times before. it was a really cool experience, though, even if the movie was lame. first time on a studio lot. pretty kewl.

so i start work tomorrow and i'm nervous.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck w/ the beginning of work! no need to be nervous, just remember your awesomeness, and you'll be fine!

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great day tomorrow!

1:58 PM  

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