Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Mind's Not Right

Sometimes(always) I think there's not really much difference between my generation and generation X. Except maybe skinny jeans. Wait, we stole those from the 80's. Never mind, nothing's changed.

Seriously, though. One difference between us and them could be maybe that they had more money? They were the kids who grew up in the 80's, rejected their parents' values and spent their 20's in the 90's feeling disenfranchised and depressed in their high paying software jobs. Maybe. Maybe not.

The only real difference that I can see is that today we have 1.5 million more means of expressing our angst and quarter-life screams of "what am i doing?" Through twitter, youtube, tumblr, and the like we can record our angst in music, publish our angst in blogs and make youtube videos of ourselves in our rooms talking about our angst(or about britney spears). The kids of the 80's and 90's didn't have that outlet. But thing is, we're still just as anxious-even with the outlets. Maybe because of the outlets. We now have an audience who sees us in our skinny jeans, wearing our Toms shoes and wonders if we got them from Urban Outfitters or what. And we love to interact with that audience. Every 20 minutes they know what we're thinking about whatever. We like it that way.


Anonymous Bill Higerd said...

Thanks for the posting. I cannot see the video, but enjoy the words.
Love, Opa & Oma

9:46 AM  

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