Saturday, July 22, 2006

"joy in the journey LOL!"

As the summer's progessed, I've become gradually more and more obsessed with the elusive artist formerly known as Pedro the Lion. I turn it up loud on my headphones so I can hear it over the obnoxious Starbucks urban/hiphop playlist.

It's amazing what guitar, bass, drums, and vocals can still accomplish in this world of samples, drum loops, and layers upon layers of instruments. Not that any of that is bad, of course, but such amazing music coming from a stripped down three-piece band is something to behold.

And the lyrics speak from the heart of a follower of Christ who isn't afraid to admit that he still struggles with doubts, insecurities, and(GASP) sin.

One of his albums "Winners Never Quit," basically addresses the concept that Paul brings up in Hebrews, comparing this life for believers to a race. Running a race with a goal in mind allows for suffering, because we're focused on the end and not pleasures along the way. I know personally for me, as I'm struggling to train for a 5k, that running a race is literally full of suffering. I run the first two miles and am fine. Then during the third mile my mind starts to make excuses for my straining body, telling me that I've run enough for the day and can walk the rest of the way. Pedro the Lion puts this into words so much more eloquently than I could ever, but the point is that while this life is a race with an end in mind(glorification, for you theology enthusiasts), much of the duration can suck.

Like this morning when I thought I was gonna die from heat exhaustion at 9 IN THE MORNING. This heat wave is out of control.

So, moral of the story, go buy every Pedro the Lion album and listen to them over and over.


Blogger thegirlemily said...

i will post more than once! haha. i just haven't had any time, but tomorrow my friend, oh, there will be a post. and it'll be a good one.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Martin said...

consider it done. Pedro the Lion is currently on its way to 171 Mandy Drive.

dude, why you running a 5k? that's bad for your health. there better be a girl involved.

3:26 PM  

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