Thursday, July 06, 2006

too much organ

and when i say too much organ, i mean too much ham and swiss sandwiches. i'm full.

so i got in a wreck while attempting to celebrate our little day of independence. i wasn't driving, and no one was hurt, praise God, but i'm making a list of possible doctors to call tomorrow to see if they can fit me in and take a look at my neck. just as a precaution.

oh, and the kid that hit us doesn't have insurance. you don't say? who'd have thought?
welcome to los angeles.

i mainly feel bad for my buddy whose car it was and whose first wreck it was. it was amazing that no one was hurt, but wrecks are still a huge hassle. especially when you get hit by a stupid kid with no insurance.

i recently introduced one of the editors to some amazing licorice herbal tea, courtesy of a lovely young lady up in kentucky. bridget, if you happen to read this, thanks again for the awesome tea. i'm spreading the good news over here and pretty soon hollywood will come knocking on your door, asking for some awesome herbal tea to help them calm down and not take themselves so seriously.

you just wait.


Blogger Andrew said...




Dude that sucks you got in a wreck!

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

picture me laughing very very very hard and then quickly getting serious and saying to Andrew.... "That is NOT a good way to make friends." although i have heard that "Parker" has no such hardship in these matters...i do miss you dearly..look for something in the mail this week, talked about you for a long time the other day, Nathan and i did..very sad it is that i have developed such a strong one-sided bond - Bridget (is starting to sound like Yoda)

3:04 PM  

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