Union's Last Stand

The last Union show is this Friday. I just hope I don't get too emotional during "Take Me Back," but we'll see. I sat in on bass a couple days ago for a couple of songs, 'cause Terrell was out and about during practice and we worked out some songs for two drummers-John sitting in with Pants. "Arrival" was earth-shatteringly good and I'm sure everyone in the audience will be crying and making out with each other during the whole song. It's that good.
I remember sitting down with Jason Bennett at Hot Corner right after I decided to play with The Cubs exclusively.
"Man, bands ruin friendships," he was saying. And I remember thinking how that was my biggest fear in leaving Union.
Flicker Theater. This Friday. 10 pm. Be there.
Pfff, Jason. Thanks for posting the graphic. I don't think bands ruin friendships any more than money problems ruin marriages. It just creates more tension and people that don't naturally get along (like thompson and me) have to ask the lord for help.
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